Thursday 14 March 2013

Thank YOU! And let’s start the journey to Vibrance.

If YOU are reading this, then you are:

A) One of the first friends of #WHFOCUS – Women’s Health In Focus!

B) This means you are awesome, wonderful, and you are about to join us on a fantastic journey to great health!

At Women’s Health In Focus, we hope to create a space where all of us can share our experience and insights on the journey to health, with an emphasis on the health topics that matter to women. As we share and we grow, we believe the friendships and community that form will make this space a wonderful and beautiful place for anyone who wishes to start making positive improvements in her lifestyle and enjoy the ultimate wealth: health. Here at Women’s Health In Focus, we believe that Beauty Starts With Better Health and we thank YOU for being our very first friends in this wonderful adventure.
and you are awesome. yes. YOU.
Here's a cute lil doggy to show you how much we love you

The Start of a Journey

At the start of a journey it is always good to know where we are trying to go! Many people, many definitions of health. Some of us might want to work out to achieve a high level of fitness, such as running a marathon etc. Others might want to lose some weight. For many of us, we just want to keep our bodies in a good shape so that we can have a smooth and happy daily life. WHFOCUS will have something for everyone!

Here are some quick tips to get you started:

Tip #1: Dieting: It ain’t rocket science, it ain’t fairy tales, it’s just good ole grandma’s advice.

There is one diet that has been proven to be very good for your health, and that is a BALANCED DIET. Get a good portion of fruit and veggies, indulge in the proteins occasionally, and go easy on the fats and salts, while just taking as much carbs as you need. That is all it takes to set a good foundation for the rest of your fitness plan. Don’t forget, even the most fancy diet program in the world is useless if it can’t be followed. In fact, sudden diet changes can cause great stress on your body! To really build up you fitness, it is generally a good idea to follow a balanced diet plus a training exercise program rather than an aggressive cutting diet without an exercise component.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away

Tip #2: Muscles: Use ‘em or lose ‘em.

Exercise! I can already hear you groaning. No excuses! Many people try to escape the exercise component by dieting hard. First of all, we all know how many times we have tried and failed at that. Our body needs it’s nutrition and it gets hungry. Secondly, do you want to be skinny and flabby? Don’t give yourself an eating disorder. Give yourself a work out and be amazed at how a little fitness and toned muscles go a long way.
Here is a little regimen that can get you started. It can be done in your bedroom, and it takes 5 minutes. SO NO EXCUSES. Twice a day, once in the morning, once in the evening, and voila, that fit happy lady in the mirror is YOU.
This routine is inspired by KungFu warm up exercises. It consists of 3 sets of exercises, that will give you a full body workout that is just enough for maintaining your fitness and boosting your metabolism. You should continue with additional fitness routines if you have specific goals such as strength training or weight loss.

1st Set: This will be familiar to most people – push ups. Devil is in the details though!

Facing down, place your hands just a little bit outside of your shoulder width. You can do this with your palms open or clenched as a fist. If you clench your fist, you can build up your wrist strength too, but you might want to put a towel underneath or your knuckles might hurt.
Support your body weight with your hands and your toes and have your arms straight. Keep your back parallel to the floor, your buttocks should be the same height as your shoulders.

Yes, it's a mannequin model. You didn't expect me to do it live, did ya?

Lower yourself until you are around 1 or 2 inches from the floor. Exhale at the same time. Now raise yourself back up until your arms are straight again. Congratulations! You have just did your first rep. Start with 5 reps each session and work your way up to 30. Make sure your back is parallel to the floor at all times.

Gettin' low.

2nd Set: Crouching Tiger

Start with the same position as with the Push Ups. Lower your buttocks, and look 45 degrees upwards, so that your body now forms a curve. Keep your toes pointed forward as much as possible. See the diagrams for a better picture.
I call this position 'Staring At The Moon"

Start to inhale, as you inhale, return to the starting position, facing the floor.

Inhale gently

Continue to inhale, as fully as deeply as possible, as you continue to inhale, keep your arms straight and vertical, raise your buttocks as high as you can and bring your head in until your head is parallel to your arms and you are facing backwards, upside down. Hold your breath in this position for 2 seconds. You will feel the strain in your core muscles and the tendons at the back of your knee. This is correct.

Inhale fully, and stretch your legs!

Gently start to exhale, as you exhale, lower your buttocks and let your head slowly rise until you are back to looking upwards 45 degrees. Go slowly and gently. This is 1 rep. Start with 5 reps each session and work your way up to 30. Pay attention to your gaze, starting with upwards 45 degrees angle, then facing downwards, then facing backwards upside down, and the reverse.

3rd Set: Bums Up!

Squat with your feet flat on the floor, keep your feet close to each other. Place your palms flat on the floor as close to your feet as possible. Face forward. At the beginning, you might place it slightly further in front of you, and gradually bring it closer and closer to your feet as you get better at the routine.
Hope you guys like this lil green fella

Inhale, and stand up halfway, with your palms still flat on the floor, until you are now facing the ground. This should feel nice and easy, but the best is yet to come.

Further inhale, and continue to straighten your legs, keeping your palms still flat on the floor, until you are now facing backwards, upside down. Straighten your legs as much as possible! The tendons at the back of your knees will really feel it. Don’t cheat! Keep your feet and hands flat on the ground. Hold your bum in the air for 2 seconds, then gradually exhale and return to the squatting position. This is 1 rep. Start with 5 and work your way up to 20 or 30 reps.

If you're not cursing me at this stage, you're either lying or cheating

And there you go, 3 simple workouts that take less than 10 minutes a day. Give them a try! You might be surprised at how much you sweat with these 3 simple exercises. Keep it up and you will soon notice a build-up in your core strength, and also a boost in your metabolism, so you might not need to worry about your diet so much. The ancient KungFu masters sure knew a thing or two about designing a work out.

Tip #3: The Secret Weapon You Never Knew You Had

OK this used to be a huge secret, but it’s not that much of a secret now that I’m about to tell it to you ain’t it?

What if I told you: That you can boost the effectiveness of all your workouts, achieve better bladder control, enhance your sexual experience, and overcome back pains, just by strengthening one group of muscles? Sounds miraculous? That is why this group of muscles have been the focus of traditional QiGong and KungFu for ages as the fountain of vitality. They are known as your pelvic floor muscles.

Your pelvic floor muscles are located the base of your abdomen. For males, you can exercise them by squeezing your anus, for ladies, by imagining holding in your urine (make sure you don’t do it when you actually need to pee, it’s not good for your kidneys. Do this on an empty bladder). A good way to exercise these amazing muscles is to start by doing a squeeze, holding for 5 seconds, then release. Do 50 reps, then do the same thing again, but holding for 2 seconds. This gives the muscle group a thorough work out, the 5 second reps building up their endurance, and the 2 second reps working on their strength.

For ladies, if you experience yourself frequently going to the loo, decreased sexual experience, or having back pains, you might find that this is the one tip that really makes a big difference in your life. For males, these exercises can also help with bladder control, and also for sexual performance.

I am your best friend. Please give me some love. - Your Pelvic Floor muscles

The key though, is to make sure you are using the right muscle group! The abdominal muscles and buttocks muscles are close by, some people even mistakenly use the inner thigh muscles. If you really want to be sure you are getting it right, you’re in luck ladies. The Vibrance Kegel Device can give you a vibration signal to let you know that you are using the right muscle. It also has resistance sheaths that let you increase the challenge gradually, strengthening your muscle progressively just like how you work out at the gym. All the guys are now asking, what about us? Why don’t have cool devices to help us one? That’s cuz girls are just born lucky like that, life is not fair guys, deal with it – keep squeezing those anal muscles.

Vibrance Kegel Device - Squeeze some Vibrance into your life!

And those are the 3 tips to get you started on your journey to Vibrance! Sounds like fun? Stay in touch with us to receive more detailed information that can bring your health to the next level! Also feel free to ask us for more information or suggest topics that we should cover. Till the next post, do try out some of the tips and wish you the best of health! Like we always say, health is wealth, and beauty starts with better health!

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To find out more about the Vibrance Kegel Device, visit or call 1700 81 4321.

Women’s Health in Focus is powered by Bioinfinity. 

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