Friday 22 February 2013

Vibrance Kegel Device - Clinically Proven

In today's world, many products and devices claim to be able to effectively strengthen pelvic floor muscles, but are they really clinically proven?

Backed by facts
At Bioinfinity, we firmly believe that all medical claims should be backed by facts. The Vibrance Kegel Device - our flagship product demonstrates not only its quality but most importantly, its effectiveness.

Bioinfinity has recently gained recognition amongst the medical technology community when it was awarded Silver for the Vibrance Kegel Device (VKD), in the over-the-counter and self-care products category at the Medical Design Excellence Awards 2012 competition, the premier awards programme for the medical technology community, which recognises the achievements of medical product manufacturers. It is the first Malaysian company to ever win this award. This year, the VKD was amongst 41 finalist products from all over the world competing for an award at the event held in Philadelphia, USA.

We are currently conducting a study at UMMC (University Malaya Medical Centre) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on the Vibrance Kegel Device. The preliminary results show that the VKD is indeed very effective in strengthening the pelvic floor muscles and treating female urinary incontinence :

The data shows that the Vibrance Kegel Device is not only effective in treating female urinary incontinence, it also shows results faster than conventional treatment.
This combination of quality coupled with ease-of-use is exactly what gives the Vibrance Kegel Device the qualities to be a winner of the Medical Design Excellence Awards.

Buy what's effective for you
If you have tried many various devices and treatments yet see no improvement in bladder control and sexual intimacy, value your time and health by choosing the Vibrance Kegel Device.

Call us today at 1700 – 81 – 0142 or visit

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Why You Aren't Losing Weight On Your Diet

DIETING - one of the most common new year resolutions and also the most easily broken.

It starts when you slack a little, you skip breakfast one weekend by waking up late and the next thing you know, you're over-ordering at lunch. You face your scale the same night and feel defeated that your previous days' workout and diet has gone to waste...and the cycle continues. Sounds familiar?

Before you know it, you've given up dieting feeling that it isn't effective. Try not to wallow in the setbacks you've made, instead recognize your mistakes , avoid making them again and you will definitely see results. Here are some of the common diet mistakes :

1. Ignoring calorie count

While a lot of us think we know what oily foods to avoid during dieting, you may be eating way more calories than you should. Calories can add up quickly when you take that extra spoon of creamy dressing (100 calories) , eating while you cook or having more glasses of wine than you should. These unhealthy add-ons sneak calories into your diet throughout the day without you noticing and can add up to significant weight-gain. The next time you order grilled chicken or salads thinking they're a healthier option, weigh in the size and toppings as bacon, cheese and creamy dressings might add up to more calories than a hamburger.

Liquid calories are also dangerous such as  alcohol, milkshakes, coffee and sweetened drinks. This is because the beverages satisfy thirst but do nothing to curb your hunger. Your body does not register liquid calories even if you've drank over 500 calories of wine, you will still crave to eat. An easy way to moderate the amount of liquid calories you drink over a meal is to not drink on an empty stomach. If you're beverages are served before your meal, sip them slowly until the course arrives. 

 "In calories, one Long Island Iced Tea is the equivalent of 26 fat-fried onion rings," Elizabeth Somer, R.D., author of 10 Habits That Mess Up a Woman's Diet. 

Fix : It's easy to lose track of what you've eaten so keep a food diary and jot down what you've eaten everyday including how many calories each of them add up to. Additionally , calculate the calories you need per day to lose weight. Here is a 3-step process using the Harris-Benedict equation for women :

2. Not Exercising

Diet without exercising will only delay your journey to reach your goal and ideal weight, not to mention unhealthy. If you've been dieting hardcore and realize there is no significant difference in your weight it might be due to low -metabolism rate. By exercising, you raise your metabolism and burn off way more calories. 

Fix : Motivate yourself by doing a minimum of 30 minute workout daily either doing something you love like cycling or swimming. If you find it hard to be motivated, engage a exercise buddy who will help you stay committed to your regime. Soon, you will notice how much fat you are converting into lean muscles and instantly look better in your outfits.

3. Skipping Meals

Almost everyone on a diet has been guilty of this thinking you could cut some calories. Breakfast champions as the topmost skipped meal in a day. However, it is the most important one to help you lose weight. Skipping breakfast will only make you hungrier and less productive during the day.
Irregular eating habits will also alter and disrupt your body's metabolism which makes it harder to lose weight and defeats the purpose of cutting down calories.

"People skip breakfast thinking they're cutting calories, but by mid-morning and lunch, that person is starved," says Milton Stokes, RD, MPH, chief dietitian for St. Barnabas Hospital in New York City. "Breakfast skippers replace calories during the day with mindless nibbling, bingeing at lunch and dinner. They set themselves up for failure." (

Fix : Prepare handy and simple breakfast to guarantee that you won't skip it such as single-serve instant oatmeal, low-fat granola bars, whole-wheat toast or half a grapefruit. These could keep you feeling full until lunchtime.

4. Portion Distortion
If you've been eating healthy foods and still not losing any weight, this may be your problem. A lot of us don't realize we are eating bigger portions than necessary. Your hands can help determine how much you should eat. Proteins like meat should be the size of your pain and a single serving of carbohydrates should be a handful. Vegetables and salads should fit two cupped hands.

Fix : Use smaller plates and bowls as well as chew your food slowly. This gives your stomach enough time to let your brain know that you're already full before chomping everything down.
A more detailed tool to understand proper serving sizes : 

5. Eating Amnesia

The act of unknowingly putting hand to mouth, usually when watching television , reading a book or in front of the computer. It happens anywhere and everywhere when food is within reach. In time it will quickly add up and multiplied by small portions of your favourite snacks. Also, resist any temptation to clean your plate or anyone elses, think of your waistline instead of wasting food.

Distracted eating while doing other activities lead to overeating because you aren't paying attention to what is being put in your mouth or how much. When you eat mindfully during meals by tasting the food, you will be more cautious and feel satisfied faster.

Fix : Kick the habit, try replacing snacks with a cup of tea, water or chewing a piece of sugarless gum. If you crave a snack, make sure it is the right portion and make it a healthy one. Avoid putting containers of snacks near your television or computer to resist the temptation. As they say 'out of sight, out of mind'.

Avoid these 5 sneaky traps while on your diet and soon you will be feeling healthier,  sexier, more energetic and shredding more pounds and inches than you hope for!

"The Vibrance Kegel Device helps you discover the wonders of being a women. 5 minutes a day of exercise with the VKD is all it takes to rediscover your Vibrance."

Thursday 7 February 2013

Our Love Muscles

Do you have one or more of these symptoms?
  • -      Needing to get to the toilet quickly or not making it there in time
  • -       Constant need of going to the toilet (For most people , normal frequency is about 6-7 times in 24 hours)
  • -       Feeling of bulging heaviness in the vagina (pulling , dragging or dropping)
  • -       Difficulty to achieve orgasm
  • -       Painful intercourse
  • -       Lower back pain

If you do, it’s most likely you have PFD (Pelvic Floor Dysfunction).

What in the world?

PFD is any kind of impairment in the pelvic floor area including when pelvic floor muscles (also called the 'Love Muscles' for women) are stretched , weakened, or too tight (yes this happens when your muscles are too tensed and not knowing how to relax them)

Now if all these sounds like alien language to you, you’re missing out on one of the most interesting and hardworking muscle group we ladies have.
The pelvic floor muscles take up huge responsibilities in our important life experiences through womanhood including sexual intimacy, physical activities, pregnancy, childbirth, menopause and old age. 

Taking care of our pelvic floor muscles is essential to make each of these experiences enjoyable and less daunting.

The fitness of your pelvic floor muscle can be affected by :

  • ·         Physical activities such as sports, working out at the gym , heavy lifting
  • ·         Chronic cough or sneezing
  • ·         Pregnancy and childbirth
  • ·         Inactivity (not doing regular pelvic floor squeezes)
  • ·         Hormonal changes during menopause
  • ·         History of back pain or genetically weak pelvic floor
  • ·         Being overweight or obese
  • ·         Ongoing constipation
  • ·         Injury or surgery at pelvic region

      The pelvic floor muscles are the group of muscles attached to the front back and sides of the pelvic bone and sacrum like a hammock to support the pelvic organs such as bladder, uterus and rectum. These muscles also surround your urethra rectum and vagina. 

There are two distinct muscle fiber types within the pelvic floor muscle group ; slow-twitch and fast-twitch. Slow-twitch fibers are suited for prolonged activity and fatigued more slowly, helping to support our pelvic organs in place. 

When the slow twitch muscles are worked , they help maintain daily healthy tone as we age or undergo stresses like pregnancy, childbirth, heavy lifting and hormonal and weight changes. Fast twitch muscles are required to respond quickly with force to contract when we laugh, cough, sneeze or jump.

It is important that we work both these muscle fibers using repetitive contracting and relaxing of our pelvic floor muscles (Kegel exercises). To work slow-twitch muscles, contract and relax with 5 second intervals up to 4 minutes. For slow-twitch muscles, contract and relax with 2 second intervals for 1 minute. Both interval workouts should amount up to 5 minutes which is the recommended time to squeeze your pelvic floor muscle per session, 2 -3 sessions daily.

Training your pelvic floor muscles will increase the strength and endurance in the muscle fibers. As gains are made, resistance in exercise is vital to help tone your muscle, tighten your vagina as well as give you more powerful contractions.

Just imagine yourself with a renewed vagina that’s more toned, stronger and tighter. It will definitely improve aspects of your life.

For girls going through puberty, it is often the beginning of their involvement in competitive sports such as ballet , gymnastics, cheerleading, tennis or athlete related activities. These sports will add strain and pressure on our pelvic floor muscles. Athletic women who are prone to having weak pelvic floor muscles might encounter urine leakage (urinary incontinence) which may post a barrier and demotivate them from their passion in physical activity.

Not if we can help it!

Urinary leakage is one of the most hindering and embarrassing condition a woman might have in her lifetime. The only way to prevent or cure incontinence is through understanding and practicing pelvic floor exercises. Many women shy behind the condition or are not aware of their bodily changes throughout womanhood. Having healthier pelvic floor muscles help your bladder stay closed, actively squeezing when you cough or sneeze to help avoid leaking. Pelvic floor education is key to help women of all ages have an opportunity to get to know this essential muscle.

Stop neglecting your inner health

As we enter adulthood, sexual health plays an importance in our emotional and physical satisfaction with ourselves and our partner. Ensuring that your sex life is fulfilling and exciting will play a significant role in renewing the intimacy in your relationship. Weak, flabby or tensed pelvic floor muscles around the vaginal area will affect you and your partner during sexual intercourse due to either difficulty/inability to achieve orgasms or painful intercourse. Vaginal tone, lubrication, sensation and response are important sexual functions and come as a package when we learn how to do regular pelvic floor exercise correctly.  

Turn this...

There has been a lot of anecdotal evidence that increased blood flow to this region through exercise creates extra lubrication by causing secretions to seep through the walls of the vagina. This helps to prevent discomfort and pain during sexual activity. Good blood circulation will also increase sexual arousal and sensitivity.
Additionally, toned pelvic floor muscles respond to stimulation by contracting firmly on your partner. This, coupled with heightened sexual sensitivity, increases the frequency of your orgasms.

...Into this !

As we embrace the stage of pregnancy, this brings into focus the importance of our pelvic floor muscles. Just imagine the weight of an infant (or two if you’re lucky!) pushing down onto your pelvic floor muscles, stretching and expanding to compensate the growing infant in your body. Having healthy and strong pelvic floor muscles may help lessen the need to go to the bathroom frequently as well as prevent urine leakage when you cough, sneeze or laugh. 

Traumatic stresses on the pelvic floor increases with natural childbirth when the baby pass through the pelvic floor during delivery.  Your muscles have to be stretched apart enough to accommodate the infant’s head, body and shoulders. Initial stresses of pregnancy and childbirth on pelvic floor muscles commonly become the starting point to a lifelong of symptoms attributed to weak pelvic floor muscles. Regardless of natural birth or caesarean , you should seriously consider doing your pelvic floor exercise before ,  during  (per doctor's advice of sexual intercourse during pregnancy) and after pregnancy to rehabilitate and restore the vibrance of these delicate muscles.

As we become older , going through menopause is inevitable. At this stage, decrease in estrogen levels and hormonal changes may be uncomfortable and daunting. High risks of urinary incontinence or urgency, pelvic organ prolapse and sexual discomfort at this stage prompts women to exercise their pelvic floor muscles to increase blood supply to muscles, keeping them toned and muscle fibers strong to help in support. At this prime age, modern women are more likely to be drawn to enjoy life with family members, make travel plans and be involved with social events. Having a weak pelvic floor will only be disruptive and cut back on your quality of life.

Health gifts you more time with loved ones

Rising statistics of urinary incontinence , organ prolapse and sexual dysfunction has brought about the need to bring pelvic floor health into the limelight. This knowledge should be taken seriously as it can help prevent additional trauma to females around you. With enough awareness and education, more and more women can reap the benefits by having healthy pelvic floor muscles.

Why wait?Start today!