Monday 21 January 2013

Top 10 Aphrodisiacs to Improve Your Sexy Time

The food you consume plays a huge role on your sex life. It affects your hormones, chemistry , energy and arousal levels. Here are the top 10 aphrodisiac foods to help you and your partner achieve that extra kick in the bedroom.

10 . Garlic

Surprised? Many of us think garlic would ruin an intimate lip lock, however it contains allicin which improves blood circulation including to sexual organs. Note that the garlic is best finely chopped to release allicin. Try including it in pasta sauces or meat dishes.  Get rid of the odour by popping some mints before your love – making session.

9. Chilli peppers

What better food to spice things up?Fiery Chillies contain capsaicin , a substance in hot peppers which induce the release of  endorphins in the brain, creating a euphoric feeling. It also stimulate nerve endings and increases heart rate, making your blood pump, body sweaty and excitable during your love –making . Try grounding chilli peppers into sauces or if you’re up for it, eat it raw.

8. Fatty Fish

Oily coldwater fish such as sardines , salmon, mackerel and tuna are rich in omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA. These help increase dopamine levels in the brain , triggering sexual arousal and is healthy for your heart. Essential fatty acids help produce sex hormones in men and women, improve circulation and reduce symptoms of depression. Try it cold with crackers or salad accompanied by some wine to set a sensual mood for you and your partner.

7. Almonds

Females are often passionately drawn to the smell of almonds. Almond- scented candles can help build up the bedroom mood for you and your partner. Aside from that, eating almonds raw also helps healthy production of hormones in men and women.  They are also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids which improve blood flow down low and gives you that extra boost of energy in the bedroom. Try mixing them in salads or eat them raw with no added salt or sweetness.

6. Figs

Figs has a long history of being a symbol of fertility and love. They are known as Cleopatra’s favourite fruit and used at weddings in certain countries.  Figs are an excellent source of amino acids that increase libido as well as have positive effects on your hormonal and metabolic systems. Try eating it fresh and raw to improve sexual stamina.

5. Banana

Most people contribute banana as an aphrodisiac due to its suggestive shape. However, bananas contain potassium, magnesium and Vitamin B that heightens energy levels and produce that feel – good feeling. Bananas also contrains bromelain enzyme that increases libido and prevents impotence in men. Try making banana milkshakes for you and your partner adding milk and honey for a sweet indulgence.

4. Avocado

"The name avocado is derived from the Aztec or Nahuatl word “ahuacatl, ” literally translating as “testicle tree.”  This is may be partly due to the fruit’s resemblance to a testicle.  It may also be part of the reason that the Aztecs considered the avocado to be “the fruit of the kings” and consumed it as a sexual stimulant.  Furthermore, Aztec families would not allow their virgin daughters outside of the house during harvesting season because avocados were considered to be a “fertility fruit.” "
(, History Of the Avocado)

This stimulating fruit is one of the top source of omega – 3 fatty acids, minerals, and Vitamin B6 , a nutrient that increases male hormone production as well as potassium which helps regulate women’s thyroid gland. All these increase libido and keep your energy levels up for you and your partner. Try mixing it into salads or cut it in half and feed each other during foreplay.

3. Honey

The origin of aphrodisiac comes from the Greek Goddess of sexual love and beauty – Aphrodite. Honey was said to be the nectar of Aphrodite. Its sticky , runny and deliciously sweet liquid texture is one of the most indulging seductive foods to put you in the mood. It is also a great source of boron, a trace mineral that metabolizes estrogen in the body. Honey also contains Vitamin B needed for enhancing testosterone levels , promoting orgasms in both men and women. Try mixing some hot honey drinks or eat a spoonful before heading to bed with your partner.

2. Raw Oysters

Some people have dubbed oysters as the ultimate aphrodisiac due to their resemblance to the female genitalia. However it’s not the shape that puts them in the list of sexy foods. Oysters hold more zinc than most foods, a mineral that helps the male body produce testosterones that in turn fuels the sex drive of both men and women. Zinc also promotes healthy sperm production and build libido. Try half a dozen of raw oysters with lemon and dashes of tabasco, this will provide double the recommended daily allowance of 15 mg zinc.

1. Chocolate

Devouring this dark, delicious dessert can put you and your partner in a sensual mood. A 2007 British study conducted brain scans and tested heart rates of couples while they kissed passionately as well as ate chocolate. The study found that both men and women were more stimulated when chocolate melted in their mouth compared to while engaged in a kiss.

Chocolate contains phenylethylamine , a psycho - stimulant with an amphetamine-like affect that gives you a feeling of falling in love. It releases dopamine in the pleasure centers of the brain that peaks during orgasm. Also , containing tryptophan which helps your body produce serotonin (a natural feel – good chemical) that encourages sexual arousal and relaxation. Try feeding each other chocolate during foreplay or melt chocolate to make chocolate sauce.


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